Steven Garofalo
Politics • Spirituality/Belief • Preparedness
Steven Garofalo, M.A. Apologetics is president and founder of ReasonForTruth.Org and EquippedAcademy.Com. His mission is to help you not just survive, but to thrive by cutting through the distortion of current events with discernment, wisdom, and the truth of God-to encourage, educate and prepare you for what is, and what is at hand. www.ReasonForTruth.Org www.EquippedAcademy.Com
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“Hard times create strong men. Strong men create good times. Good times create weak men. And, weak men create hard times.”
― G. Michael Hopf, Those Who Remain

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GOD OR PRESIDENT? (1:47 minutes)

Since the beginning of time, the central issue with mankind has been wanting a human king above God as our King. Why is that? I will address this in less than 2 minutes in this short vignette. -Steven Garofalo

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Have you ever wondered why America continues to vote in unjust leaders? What is it about these leaders that lure us in to begin with and how can we avoid voting for unjust rulers who push unjust, godless, lawless rules, policies and laws upon a nation filled with Christians? This is the question Steven will answer through a modern understanding of the situation but anchored in the ancient Old Testament Scriptures. The bottom line is that people haven't changed and as Ecclesiastes says, "There is nothing new under the sun". The cycles of deception on the part of our leaders, coupled by our human, sinful ignorance falls on none other than our own shoulders. The good news is that it doesn't have to be that way! Let's get started.

Please consider an Online Course at: www.ChristianOnlineTraining.Com

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The Matt Damon movie is not accurate. The FBI was so incensed that they took upon themselves to produce a more accurate movie to honor Mark for his courage and honesty. That movie-Mark’s real story can be found at

Mark Whitacre: From Informant to God's Informer
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Two Christmas Accounts ONE TRUTH

There is ONE TRUTH about Christmas but multiple accounts! Merry Christmas and enjoy this re-broadcast!-Steven

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I want to wish you and your family a very-Merry Christmas!-Steven

Two Christmas Accounts ONE TRUTH
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“The simple fact is, God is not here to judge the world. The things that are happening in our lives and in the world are the consequences of choices we make. God does not want us to make those choices, but He will not keep us from making them. God’s love is not dependent upon the choices we make”-A.W. Tower (sermon notes)

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ROME vs. AMEICA-The Fate Of The U.S. Dollar?
By Steven Garofalo, 17, 2024

In an article by Schiff Gold, published May 13, 2024, Schiff Sovereign LLC Co-Founder James Hickman, in an article titled "Why The Dollar Will Lose Its Status As The Global Reserve Currency", Hickman compares the fall of the Roman Empire and the demise of their currency as the world’s tier one currency.

Today, I am going to share that article with you simply because I found it to be one of the best predictors of the failing American dollar as the world’s default currency. As a disclaimer, this is not an advertisement or paid promotion from Schiff Gold-Schiff Sovereign, which is an outstanding organization. 

NOTE BENE: I am sharing this with you today because I believe that it’s one of the better if not most accurate accounts of showing us things yet to come in light of the past as it relates to the demise of the American dollar here-forward into the future. Let’s get started.


By the early 400s, the Roman Empire was coming apart at the seams and in desperate need of strong, competent leadership. In theory, Honorius (Rome’s Emperor who died in 438 at the age of 38) should have been the right man for the job.

As the younger son of Theodosius I (Emperor 379-395) and Aeilia Flacilla, Honorius was elevated to the rank of Augustus by Theodosius on January 23, 393, and became sole ruler of the West at age 10, upon his father’s death on January 17, 395. His brother Aradius was the Eastern emperor.

Born into the royal household in Constantinople, Honorius had been groomed to rule, practically since birth, by the finest experts in the realm. So even as a young man, Honorius had already accumulated decades of experience. 

Yet Rome’s foreign adversaries rightfully believed Honorius to be weak, out of touch, divisive, and completely inept.

He had entered into bonehead peace treaties that strengthened Rome’s enemies. He paid vast sums of money to some of their most powerful rivals and received practically nothing in return. He made virtually no attempt to secure Roman borders, leaving the empire open to be ravaged by barbarians.
Inflation was high. Taxes were high. Economic production declined. Roman military power declined. And all of Rome’s foreign adversaries were emboldened.

To a casual observer it would have almost seemed as if Honorius went out of his way to make the Empire weaker. One of Rome’s biggest threats came in the year 408, when the barbarian king Alaric invaded Italy; imperial defenses were so non-existent at that point that ancient historians described Alaric’s march towards Rome as unopposed and leisurely, as if they were “at some festival” rather than an invasion. Alaric and his army arrived to the city of Rome in the autumn of 408 AD and immediately positioned their forces to cut off any supplies. No food could enter the city, and before long, its residents began to starve. Historians have passed down horrific stories of cannibalism-- including women eating their own children in order to survive. 

*During the early period of Honorius reign, the Vandals, Alain and Suebi plundered Gaul (406) and then crossed into Spain. Imperial defenses deteriorated to such an extent that they could not rely on Rome for reinforcements against tribal incursions. And in August of 410 the Visigoths, under Alaric occupied Rome, and Honorius fled to Ravenna.

WHAT HAD HAPPENED WAS THAT rather than send troops and fight, Honorius agreed to pay a massive ransom to Alaric, including 5,000 pounds of gold, 30,000 pounds of silver, and literally tons of other real assets and commodities. (The equivalent in today’s money, adjusted for population, would be billions of dollars… similar to what the US released to Iran in a prisoner swap last year.)

Naturally, Honorius didn’t have such a vast sum in his treasury… so Romans were forced to strip down and melt their shrines and statues in order to pay Alaric’s ransom. Ironically, one of the statues they melted was a monument to Virtus, the Roman god of bravery and strength… leading the ancient historian Zosimus to conclude that “all which remained of Roman valor and intrepidity was totally extinguished.”

Rome had spent two centuries in the early days of the empire-- from the rise of Augustus in 27 BC to the death of Marcus Aurelius in 180 AD-- as the clear, unrivaled superpower. Almost no one dared mess with Rome, and few who did ever lived to tell the tale.

Modern scholars typically view the official “fall” of the Western Roman Empire in the year 476. But it’s pretty clear that the collapse of Roman power and prestige took place decades before.
When Rome was ransomed in 408 (then sacked in 410), it was obvious to everyone at the time that the Emperor no longer had a grip on power.

And before long, most of the lands in the West that Rome had once dominated-- Italy, Spain, France, Britain, North Africa, etc. were under control of various Barbarian tribes and kingdoms.
The Visigoths, Ostrogoths, Vandals, Franks, Angles, Saxons, Burgundians, Berbers, etc. all established independent kingdoms. And for a while, there was no dominant superpower in western Europe. It was a multi-polar world. And the transition was rather abrupt.

This is what I think is happening now-- we’re experiencing a similar transition, and it seems equally abrupt. The United States has been the world’s dominant superpower for decades. But like Rome in the later stage of its empire, the US is clearly in decline. This should not be a controversial statement.
Let’s not be dramatic; it’s important to stay focused on facts and reality.  The US economy is still vast and potent, and the country is blessed with an abundance of natural resources-- incredibly fertile farmland, some of the world’s largest freshwater resources, and incalculable reserves of energy and other key commodities.

In fact, it’s amazing the people in charge have managed to screw it up so badly. And yet they have. The national debt is out of control, rising by trillions of dollars each year. Debt growth, in fact, substantially outpaces US economic growth. Social Security is insolvent, and the program’s own trustees (including the US Treasury Secretary) admit that its major trust fund will run out of money in just nine years. The people in charge never seem to miss an opportunity to dismantle capitalism (i.e. the economic system that created so much prosperity to begin with) brick by brick.

Then there are ubiquitous social crises: public prosecutors who refuse to enforce the law; the weaponization of the justice system; the southern border fiasco; declining birth rates; extraordinary social divisions that are most recently evidenced by the anti-Israel protests.
And most of all the US constantly shows off its incredibly dysfunctional government that can’t manage to agree on anything, from the budget to the debt ceiling. The President has obvious cognitive disabilities and makes the most bizarre decisions to enrich America’s enemies.

Are these problems fixable? Yes. Will they be fixed? Maybe. But as we used to say in the military, “hope is not a course of action”. Plotting this current trajectory to its natural conclusion leads me (the writer) to believe that the world will enter a new “barbarian kingdom” paradigm in which there is no dominant superpower. Certainly, there are a number of rising rivals today. But no one is powerful enough to assume the leading role in the world.

China has a massive population and a huge economy. But it too has way too many problems… with the obvious challenge that no one trusts the Communist Party. So, most likely China will not be the dominant superpower.
India’s economy will eventually surpass China’s, and it has an even bigger population. But India isn’t even close to the ballpark of being the world’s superpower.

Then there’s Europe. Combined, it still has a massive economic and trade union. But it has also been in major decline… with multiple social crises like low birth rates and a migrant invasion.
Then there are the energy powers like Russia, Iran, Saudi Arabia, and Indonesia; they are far too small to dominate the world, but they have the power to menace and disrupt it.

The bottom line is that the US is no longer strong enough to lead the world and keep adversarial nations in check. And it’s clear that other countries are already adapting to this reality.
Earlier this month, for example, China successfully launched a rocket to the moon as part of a multi-decade mission to establish an International Lunar Research Station. By 2045, China hopes to construct a large, city-like base along with several international partners including Russia, Pakistan, Thailand, South Africa, Venezuela, Azerbaijan, Belarus, and Egypt. Turkey and Nicaragua are also interested in joining.

This is pretty remarkable given how many nations are participating, even if just nominally. Yet the US isn’t part of the consortium. This would have been unthinkable a few decades ago. But today the rest of the world realizes that they no longer need American funding, leadership, or expertise.

We can see similar examples everywhere, most notably in Israel and Ukraine. And I believe one of the next shoes to drop will be the US dollar. After all, if the rest of the world doesn’t need the US for space exploration, and they can ignore the US when it comes down to World War 3, then why should they need the US dollar anymore? The dollar was the clear and obvious choice as the global reserve currency back when America was the undisputed superpower. But today it’s a different world.

Foreign nations continuing to rely on the dollar ultimately means governments and central banks buying US government bonds. And why should they take such a risk when the national debt is already 120% of GDP? In addition, Congress passed a new law a few weeks ago authorizing the Treasury Department to confiscate US dollar assets of any country it deems an “aggressor state.”

While people might think this is a morally righteous idea, the reality is that it will only turn off foreign investors. Why should China, Saudi Arabia, or anyone else buy US government bonds when they can be confiscated in a heartbeat? All of this ultimately leads to a world in which the US dollar is no longer the dominant reserve currency. We’re already starting to see signs of that shift, and it could be in full swing by the end of the decade.

The author closes with with “To your freedom”.

I personally want to add to this in that what we have see is a bloated, lazy, tyrannical governmental organization with no discipline-anywhere in its governance, from morality to financial responsibility. I know as I used to live in the Washington D.C. area and sold to Federal Agencies, Congress and NavSea, NavAir, NavSub (head of U.S. Navy). My fathe worked for the Department of the Navy going back to the 1960's. They were a different breed of patriotic, much more honest and principle based men.

WHO IS TO BLAME? As for American Leadership, just look back at our President’s, Congress, Senate, and of course, those who voted them all in-the American public. America has become just like Honorius, the failed and inept Roman Emperor who led Rome directly into and through the fall of Rome. Honorius was one of the weakest of the Roman emperors ,When he did intervene in politics, his actions were usually disastrous; thus if he had been obstinate in rejecting terms offered by Alaric before 410, Rome might have been spared the Gothic occupation. But he didn’t.

There are a number of possible solutions and outcomes-none of which can bring America back as the world’s sole superpower. But we can stabilize ourselves to have a decent and productive existence. But that depends on the moral, fiscal and conviction realistically speaking to turn-about the country. Personally, I cannot see such an existence through all 50 states in its current state. I will leave it at that.

The good news is that God is in control. God has given each of us a brain-a mind to think and physical hands to take action, and made us in His image, with logic to make a better world for our children and  grandchildren. The question now becomes one of unity and moral standing before God. Let’s pray that once we have suffered enough to the point of wanting to make a change, that God steps in and restores the U.S. and Europe at the proper time. 

That's my prayer:)

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By Steven Garofalo, May 10, 2024 (Copyright 2024)

I’m young enough to understand today’s modern, liberal culture, but still old enough to remember a day when men and women of godly character were elevated as role models. Better yet, a time when people of failed character were restored but not elevated. 

Today, I am going to make the simple case that a core factor in America’s decline is found in great part is the lack of faithful moral role models. What I mean by faithful role model are those who, while not perfect (as none of us are) remained faithful and stead as opposed to falling into sin, finding Jesus, and then building a platform to tell their sensational story. I'm not saying we ought not allow for those redeemed in Christ to tell their story-only that that we have gotten to the point that we no longer elevate and promote God's faithful servants who remained faithful from the start. WHY? Because those stories don't sell books, increase downloads, and create profit. As a result, we (even Christians) reward today's role models for the pain and sin they put on themselves and others, including their spouse and children in making them today's role models. As a result, most of today's role models no longer reflect God's steady, faithful servants, leaving our young people with the deficit of role models to inspire them to REMAIN faithful and godly as opposed to live out their wild side and return to God later.


There was once a day when people like Mother Theresa, Billy Graham, Harriet Tubman-escaped Christian slave who became a conductor of the Underground Railroad. Susan B. Anthony, and Dwight L. Moody, famous preacher who preached in the coal mines were America's role models to be emulated. How about Brother Andrew, famous Bible Smuggler into communist Europe? I just read his book decades later and was inspired beyond belief by his courage, tenacity, sacrifice, and overall faithfulness to Christ and all those he supported and those who supported his efforts. One thing all these men and women share is that none of them sought to be famous-but quite the opposite. All of those mentioned above gave the glory and attention to God. In fact, they were fearful to take any of that attention for personal gain or elevation.


When I was a young man, if you had a major moral failure, you could be restored to faith-but you were not allowed benefit from that failure considering any future success. That way of thinking has been flipped upside down in today’s world in that Christian men and women who have moral failures are rewarded publicly for their "turn-around" as promoted on modern social media and technology platform for their immoral failings. Again, I am not saying this is all bad, only that this has become the norm. Why is that bad? Because the younger generation has little if any role models to inspire them to get faithful and REMAIN faithful. That's much harder to do than sinning in great part and returning to God. What does this deficit of steady, faithful role models say about the Christian community and what we want for the next generation?


Listen, I admire accomplished men and women, but I don’t admire any person (Christian or not) who sacrifices their marriage, children and family for worldly or even “ministry” success. I have made my own mistakes and experienced my own failures over the years as we all have, but I have not and will not build my platform on those mistakes. To do so would be to use those I hurt and sin for personal gain.


We like to say that it’s for the glory of God-but I want to challenge that narrative in that it comes at the expense of promoting godly, consistent, and faithful ROLE MODELS. At what point does glory to God move to elevating repentant sinners above faithful servants? Sadly, this has become the norm, and we no longer have a strong bench if any bench at all, of Christian role models who didn’t have some kind of moral falling or failure. What does this say to our youth?


The point is simply that so many, if not most American Christian big named/rock-stars and success stories are built on the backs of failed marriages, illegitimate business ventures, failed parenting, and failed moral and ethical underpinnings. Shouldn’t it be the other way around? Shouldn’t we as Christians promote faithful men and women who got married, stayed married and were faithful in our fallen, tempting, sinful world? Shouldn’t we promote moms and dads who truly sacrificed themselves as opposed to promoting those who sacrificed their marriages and seeing their children grow up for their personal professional and ministry ambitions. Better yet, why should (or would) we as Christians elevate those who abandoned their husband, wife and children to pursue worldly success in business or ministry? 

SADLY, we no longer value and promote men and women of consistent virtue. In today’s culture, that is too boring and doesn’t sell books and build platforms.

The solution is for Christians first and culture second to get back to biblically based role models. We need only to look at those faithfully serving our Lord in the mission field. Those who serve faithfully according to God’s Word as pastors in the church for years.  

What might the future look like should we fail to start elevating faithful Christian servants? We will sink even lower morally speaking than we are now. But I am confident that we, the church will once again get back to raising up faithful servants in time. As the Christian faith comes under greater persecution, Christians will once again get more biblical as the big ministry platforms shrink into a more proper perspective and churches shrink down to more community size levels As the "game" or "industry" of church is further persecuted I see a day when Christianity gets real-and the game of church as a networking business begins to fade.

I remember a day when true biblical role models were elevated. I remember a day when a Christian who fell into sin were forgiven but not elevated even higher as a role of influence or platform. WHY WERE SUCH FAILINGS NOT REWARDED? The answer is that past generations did not reward bad moral behavior. Past generations understood that to promote past-sinful behavior, even if repentant, was to directly or indirectly promote such behavior. Grace and restoration is good, but elevating one based on their past failures is wrong. Some will disagree with me on this. My response to those Christians is to check yourself-against the Word of God. The Bible is full of sinful people. But nowhere do I find sinful believers elevated to new heights. In the Bible, I see people like David, Paul/Saul and even Peter who sinned doing great things for the Lord. But I do NOT see the center of their platform built on that sin. What I see is a brief mentioning of that sin before putting their failures behind them. 

We all make mistakes, but we ought not build our future platform on the wrong, but rather elevate others who consistently did right. That is way harder to do and the true biblical role model-MODEL we as Christians should follow. In closing, there is one simple thing we can do for our children, our grandchildren, and perhaps ourselves. That one thing is to point out true, Christian role models of the past. If you can find any modern faithful role models, point them out as well. Most are men and women of old in the past. Buy paper book copies of books such as God's Smuggler by Brother Andrew, Billy Graham's Autobiography, and Evidence Not Seen: A Woman's Miraculous Faith in The Jungles of World War II. Let these people's stories inspire you and your family and show you that God has provided us faithful servants as role models for THIS and the NEXT generation. Please feel free to submit any comments or questions below.

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THE DECLINE OF CULTURAL CHRISTIANITY: God's Separating the Wheat From the Chaff
By Steven Garofalo, May 6, 2024 (Copyright 2024)

Good times produce decline and hard times In the hard times, God separates the wheat from the chaff. And in the end, those hard times produce strong men and women of God. Today, I am going to show you where I believe Christians and the church are at in God's refining His people for a stronger tomorrow. So lets's get started.

According to Gallup News in an entry March 25, 2024 titled “CHURCH ATTENDANCE HAS DECLINED IN MOST U.S. RELIGIOUS GROUPS”, Three in 10 U.S. adults attend religiously services regularly, led by Mormons at 67% by Jeffrey M. Jones.

Out of Washington, D.C.—As Americans observe Ramadan and prepare to celebrate Easter and Passover, the percentage of adults who report regularly attending religious services remains low. Three in 10 Americans say they attend religious services every week (21%) or almost every week (9%), while 11% report attending about once a month and 56% seldom (25%) or never (31%) attend

PROTESTANT/CHRISTIANS: 30% attend every week/13% almost ever week.

ISLAM/MUSLIM: 28% Every week/10% almost every week.

CATHOLIC: 23% Every week/10% almost every week.

JUDAISM/JEWISH: 16% Every week/6% almost every week.

MORMONS CHURCH: 21% attend every week and 9% almost every week.

BUDDHISM/BUDDHIST: 12% Every week/2% almost every week.

HINDUISM/HINDU: 7% Every week/6% almost every week.

ATHEISM/NONE: 2% Every week/1% almost every week.

The article points out that beyond Protestants, Catholics and those with no religious affiliation, that other religious groups each represent 2% or less of the U.S. population. The article reports that nearly all faiths are seeing declines in regular church attendance and that Church attendance will likely continue to decline in the future, given younger Americans’ weaker attachments to religion.


Is this a bad thing? NO. This trend is simply uncovering God's separating the authentic Christian from the cultural Christian-a separation of the wheat from the chaff. Unfortunately, for some churches this might means less tithe or income monetarily speaking.  


The central point of today’s entry is this: God is sifting so called “Christians” in America and the West before rebuilding an authentic, Christ centered, conviction based, biblically literate church. If we look more carefully, we can see that He has already started doing so in many Islamic countries throughout the world. Examples of explosive, authentic, church growth includes countries such as Iran, Iraq, Afghanistan, China among others. Sadly, the West, especially in America, churches are filled with soft, cultural Christian teaching and medeocre, saltless Christians. Christians in America, understandably more often than not take their freedom of religion, access to unlimited Bibles and biblical materials for granted. As a consequence, most people who confess to be Christians are more cultural then authentic.


When the culture comes immorally unraveled as we see today, the established Christian moral and ethical standards comes under fire and challenged as the norm. As a result, Christians fall into "APATHY" under "FOTU" (Fear Of The Unknown). And today's cultural Christian is unprepared to face the immoral, evil attacks on Christians and all mankind due to their being biblically illiterate. "49 But the one who hears and does not do them is like a man who built a house on the ground without a foundation. When the stream broke against it, immediately it fell, and the ruin of that house was great.” (Luke 6:49).


When the flood of the secular world, government and culture rise, the cultural Christian fails in their faith or what they considered to be an authentic faith to begin with. In many cases, those falsely assumed to be authentic Christians are not only shaken out but washed away into the godless-cultural landscape of the modern culture And sadly, in many if not most cases, their faith dimmishes and their lives often fall apart.


On the other hand, the authentic Christian (the wheat) who build their house on a firm foundation, digging into the Word of God and building his or her house deep, laying their foundation on the ROCK of God and His Word, when the floods of cultural compromise and immoral failure come, the house is not shaken because it has been build well and on God’s Truth. Consider the following:

46 “Why do you call me ‘Lord, Lord,’ and not do what I tell you? 47 Everyone who comes to me and hears my words and does them, I will show you what he is like: 48 he is like a man building a house, who dug deep and laid the foundation on the rock. And when a flood arose, the stream broke against that house and could not shake it, because it had been well built.[a] 49 But the one who hears and does not do them is like a man who built a house on the ground without a foundation. When the stream broke against it, immediately it fell, and the ruin of that house was great.” (Luke 6:46-49).

IN CONCLUSION: It’s a fact that throughout history, good times produce atrophy and human decline which lead to hard times. But it's in the hard times that God separates the wheat from the chaff. In the end, those hard times produce strong men and women of God. I believe that we are well into the cycle of hard times which is clearly separating the wheat from the chaff. The numbers are in and according to Gallup News in an entry March 25, 2024 titled CHURCH ATTENDANCE HAS DECLINED IN MOST U.S. RELIGIOUS GROUPS”, it's become clear that three in 10 U.S. adults attend religiously services regularly. As for PROTESTANT/CHRISTIANS: Only 30% attend every week and 13% almost ever week. Interestingly, ISLAM shows that MUSLIM only go to Mosque weekly 28% of the time and almost every week 10%. This seems to indicate that the secular, material driven culture in the West and throughout the world is effecting all relgions. Even for CATHOLICS, only 23% attend church every week 10% almost every week.

Going back to May 14 of 2019, The Christian Post wrote an article called "God is separating the wheat from the chaff in our country" (United States) by David Hoffman, Voices Contributor wrote: "Speaking of Jesus, John the Baptist, Matthew 3:12 says, "His winnowing fork is in His hand, and He is clear His threshing floor, gathering His wheat into the barn and burning up the chaff with unquenchable fire". This this particular verse has eschatological significance, in application, it's valid on some level as to what God is doing in our modern culture in the United States and beyond. 

Many Christians find themselves in the dilemma, having to face the truth of their faith and if they will chose to stand up for Christ or stand down and get absorbed into the godless, secular culture. Those who are committed to Christ are committed to living "righteously" and committed to an actual, pure and undefiled life according to biblical leading and the Holy Spirit. Now, more than ever before, the lines of separation are being drawn, God is purifying His church in the United Stated and in Europe.

God is now revealing people's hearts., As he does this, a separating similar to what is seen in Matthew 3:12 is occurring right before our very eyes. We can be assured of one thing which is that God is not finished working in our nation. We can also be assured that He will not use a compromised church. God does not use the compromised, sinful, or egotistical to display His power. It now becomes clear that the current state of the church in America and Christians all across the country are finding themselves having to choose. Look around you. Can you see the WHEAT from the CHAFF?

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